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Runners motivations and reasons for having a coach vary widely, some are stuck at a performance level whether distance or speed, some don't have the time to research different training methdologies and to develop a training schedule, some need some accountability and some just need encouragment and reassurance they are doing well.

After over 15 years of working in personal development with young people I have a deep passion for supporting and challenging people as they push themsleves mentally, emotionally and physically to achieve a goal.

I have  over 20 years of running experience initially with road running and triathlons but now focussing on trail, fell and ultra racing. Over the years I have made countless mistakes in both training and on race days. I'm happy to share the lessons of where I went wrong in the past so you don't have to!

Every runner is different from their experience, their biomechanics, their motivators, homelife and goals. As such I only offer bespoke training plans tailored around your goals but having the flexibility to work around your day to day life.

Bespoke Running Coaching

Initial phone consultation 

During this free consultation we'll chat about you, your past and your goals as well as talk through the coaching  process so you can decide whether I'm the right coach for you.

Monthly training plans

Through training peaks I will create a detailed monthly training plan building in blocks of training and recovery. The plans will always have felxibility to adapt around family, health or work.

Throughout the training I will evaluate your progress and offer feedback and encouragment through training peaks, whatsapp or messenger. We may choose to tweek the plan remotely as we go to ensure the sessions are pushing you to the right level.


Each month we will have a phone conversation to reevaluate the program and how we are progressing to enure you are getting the maximum from each training session and block.

£70 per month

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